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Showing posts from March, 2019

Awal mula .. bingung ngasi judul hahah

Hi, gladly i can share a little stories that i've passed back to to 3 years ago... Well sbnrnya mau tulis blognya pakai bahasa indonesa heheh... Tapi i think twice, it'll be much better if i write it by english, since i have many internesyenel friends wakakak... Anyway, i'll tell ya how do i begin my first step to have my english improvement... Well.. probably this story will be back to 'me' at my second grade of senior high school... :) To be honest i miss all of those a lot, the memoz, the crazy friends, and all... well..jadi guys, dulu itu aku emang udah suk abahasa inggris sejka kelas 6 SD.... Honestly it's just because i watched a film ilat one of my friend's house, dunno why, i just said to my self that, "i think this language is a unik language, and i told my self that i wanna speak by that language at that time"  ... Since then.. i try to watchanither film.. jadi sedari itupun juga, ane banyak nanya tuh ama kakak ane .. (w